Vegetable Kothu Parotta

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Chop the parotta's with kitchen scissors finely.
Preparation Method to make the Vegetable Masala
  • Dice the carrot, potato, beans, cabbage finely.
  • Chop the onions and tomatoes lengthwise.
  • Heat a pan with two tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame  Oil.
  • Saute onion and tomatoes.
  • Add the vegetables, peas and fry.
  • Pour required amount of water.
  • Add coriander powder, chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and stir well.
  • When the vegetables are done and the water is absorbed completely, add rest of the Idhayam Sesame Oil and the parotta pieces.
  • When the vegetables and the parotta's blend together remove from fire and serve hot.
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