Caramel Cream

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Heat a pan.
  • Add sugar and caramelise in a low flame.
  • Pour a cup of water of boiling water.
  • Let it boil until it comes to a single sprig consistency.
  • Soak china grass in half a cup of water and add it to the sugar syrup.
  • Combine egg, sugar and mix well.
  • In a pan, pour milk and bring to boil.
  • Add the egg mixture, remove from fire when the mixture thickens.
  • Allow it to cool.
  • To this, add the sugar syrup.
  • Pour in a glass bowl, refrigerate.
  • Garnish with roasted nuts and serve hot.
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