Green Curry with Chicken

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Chop the chicken breasts into fine pieces.
  • Cook the chicken pieces with required amount of coconut milk.
  • Spilt one kaffir leaf into two.
  • Tear the rest of the kaffir leaves lengthwise.
  • Cut the red chillies lengthwise with kitchen scissors.
  • Heat a pan with Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • Add the green curry paste and stir.
  • To this slowly add the coconut cream.
  • Add the torn kaffir leaves and shift this to a broader vessel.
  • Pour the coconut milk and simmer to a low flame.
  • Allow it to boil slightly.
  • Add the cooked chicken pieces, sundaikkai and  fish sauce.
  • When the sundaikkai is done and the gravy thickens add 2 tablespoon of basil leaf, chopped red chilli and remove from fire.
  • Transfer it to a serving bowl garnish with basil leaves.

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