Fried Sea Bass with Crunchy Herbs

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Clean the fish and chop into small pieces.
  • Reserve the bones.
  • Toss the fish with tapioca powder and salt.
  • Cut the green peppers into three small sections.
  • Chop the green chilli and red chilli diagonally.
  • Heat a pan with Idhayam Sesame Oil, toss the fish and deep fryuntil golden brown.
  • Heat another pan with two tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • Add the chillies, pepper corns, kaffir lime leaves, green pepper and fry till it becomes crispy.
  • Add the fried fishes, stir fry for a minute.
  • Add fish sauce, sugar and remove from fire.
  • If required add salt.
  • Transfer to a serving bowl. Garnish with the fried herbs, red hot chillies and coriander leaves.
  • Fish sauce contains salt, Add salt if required.

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